The Anxious Love Coach Podcast



Here we talk about relationship anxiety and upgrading love partnerships-- how to go from DOUBTING your relationship to LOVING it and gushing about your partner.

Episode List:

Ep 104: The Importance of Separateness in a Relationship Revisit

Ep 103: How I broke free form relationship anxiety (Revisit)

Ep 102: Worried people are judging your relationship?

Ep 101: How to bring out the best (and worst) in men

Ep 100: My partner just doesn’t care

Ep 99: The moment I committed and never looked back

Ep 98: What if it’s not relationship anxiety but really my intuition telling me this isn’t right?

Ep 97: When your partner is socially awkward

Ep 96: Partner not listening to you? Do this…

Ep 95: How to be his lover, not his mother

Ep 94: The tough love I needed in my relationship anxiety journey

Ep 93: Do you want to break up or fight right before your period?

Ep 92: What if I want kids and my partner doesn’t?

Ep 91: The Uncertainty of Babymaking

Ep 90: A Source of Your Relationship Anxiety

Ep 89: How illusion is ruining your sex life and attraction (and what to do about it)

Ep 88: Overcoming sex anxiety with Shayna Hiller

Ep 87: Reclaiming softness in life and partnership with Jessica Fawn

Ep 86: How to Build a Career in Anxiety Work with Chelsea Joy Horton

Ep 85: Thoughts on ERP (Exposure & Response Prevention)

Ep 84: My beloved Aunt Diane sent me some tips and I don't gatekeep. Listen up!

Ep 83: How to stop comparing your relationship

Ep 82: Ever wish you were in a relationship with someone else?

Ep 81: May I tell you about my miscarriage?

Ep 80: 5 things I'd tell my younger self before entering partnership with my now-husband

Ep 79: To be free from anxiety, get comfortable with disappointment. Here's why and how

Ep 78: Want to break up with your partner right before the holidays?

Ep 77: To the partners of people with relationship anxiety

Ep 76: 6 counter-cultural relationship beliefs that we hold - with Chelsea Joy Horton

Ep 75: 10 Ways I try to control my partner

Ep 74: Overcoming relationship anxiety through sisterhood/brotherhood

Ep 73: A quick way to get off the fence

Ep 72: Yes. Lower your expectations

Ep 71: What makes a partner "good enough" to settle down with?

Ep 70: How social media is turning you against your partner

Ep 69: Overcoming relationship anxiety through IFS Therapy with Alex Bishop

Ep 68: How to know if you’re in a toxic relationship

Ep 67: Can you heal from a breakup while in a relationship?

Ep 66: Overcoming numbness toward your partner

Ep 65: Can you be “single” while in a partnership?

Ep 64: Are you nurturing your “inner relationship”? with Luci Lampe

Ep 63: Why reassurance seeking is not free (and what to do instead)

Ep 62: Why a lack of commitment is not freedom

Ep 61: How do you know if you’re in the “right” relationship? With Coach Sarah Yudkin

Ep 60: "I am so controlling of my partner but I don't know how to stop. Help!"

Ep 59: How the pressure to have an amazing honeymoon/vacation can ruin it

Ep 58: 15 lessons on partnership I’ve learned from Argentine Tango

Ep 57: How I Broke Free from Relationship Anxiety: Revisited

Ep 56: The 5 Stages of Relationship Evolution (and where relationship anxiety fits in) with Luci Lampe

Ep 55: Authenticity on social media is overrated

Ep 54: How to set (and by extension, receive) boundaries

Ep 53: 3 ways to get rid of FOMO (fear of missing out) in a relationship

Ep 52: It’s Not Always Depression with Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW 

Ep 51: Contemplating death as a spiritual practice

Ep 50: The Art of Receiving and Giving with Dr. Betty Martin

Ep 49: 3 tips to overcome jealousy

Ep 48: How to increase polarity through body language with Kate Kali

Ep 47: 4 toxic moments from love is blind season 3

Ep 46: “Is it just relationship anxiety or are there actual issues in my relationship with Chelsea Joy Horton?”

Ep 45: Podcast Ep 45: Listen to this if your partner watches porn

Ep 44: Do you feel agitated or numb around your partner?

Ep 43: IG Live: What you need to know about reality TV dating shows like Love Is Blind

Ep 42: The importance of separateness in a relationship

Ep 41: IG Live: Thoughts on How I Met Your Mother with co-coach Sheridan Ruth

Ep 40: How you get off on nitpicking your partner with Chelsea Horton

Ep 39: Polarity: A Missing Piece to the Relationship Anxiety Conversation

Ep 38: Self-pleasure as the path to sexual awakening with Luci Lampe

Ep 37: The week I thought I might be a lesbian

Ep 36: Long-term relationships with aunt Diane

Ep 35: Can your menstrual cycle affect your relationship anxiety?

Ep 34: Ever wonder if you're making a mistake by staying in your relationship

Ep 33: How grief often hides under relationship anxiety with Sheridan Ruth

Ep 32: A message to our non-binary/LGBTQ folks

Ep 31: "I'm not feeling attracted to my partner. What do I do?" with Chelsea Horton

Ep 30: Long Distance Relationships with co-coach Sheridan Ruth

Ep 29: How to Respect and feel more Attraction towards your Partner

Ep 28: How Confessing Your Thoughts to your Partner is Making your ROCD worse

Ep 27: I don’t always know what I’m doing in relationships either, guys

Ep 26: Fighting Fairly in Your Relationship with Mollie Birney, M.A.

Ep 25: Awakening Through Your Womb Space with Tantric Arts Teacher Shayna Hiller

Ep 24: The Shadow Side of Gratitude Practices in Relationships

Ep 23: The worst place to find relationship advice

Ep 22: Self-conscious of how others view your partner? with Chelsea Horton

Ep 21: Working through Triggers with our new Co-coach Sheridan Ruth

Ep 19: Wisdom on Relationships from the Aunt we've Always Needed

Ep 18: Maintaining a Sexual Connection when your Partner is Depressed with Luci Lampe

Ep 17: Are you setting a Boundary or are you Manipulating with Mollie Birney, M.A.

Ep 16: The Paradox of Cuteness in Relationships

Ep 15: Why Your Partner Can’t Meet All (or Even Most) of Your Needs

Ep 14: When Your Partner has a Low Vibe and is Bringing You Down

Ep 13: “Settling”: The Word that Destroys Great Relationships

Ep 12: The Best Gift to Give your ROCD (Relationship OCD) this Season

Ep 11: Why Relationship Anxiety Can Spike During the Holidays

Ep 10: The Truth About Independence with Mollie Birney, M.A.

Ep 9: How to Stop Being Controlling With Your Partner

Ep 8: So You Fell Out of Love

Ep 7: What an Actual ROCD “Breakthrough” Looks Like!

Ep 6: Ever Worry You’re a Narcissist?

Ep 5: When People Say “Maybe You Should Leave”

Ep 4: The “Trust Your Gut” Debunk with Chelsea Joy Horton

Ep 3: Sex Anxiety: When You Don’t Feel Like Having Sex

Ep 2: Live on Instagram: What to do When You’re Attracted to Someone Else

Ep 1: How I Broke Free From Relationship Anxiety