Work with me 1:1

Currently accepting clients for single sessions

My sessions are 1.5 - 2 hours long. I combine coaching, my personal experience, mindfulness and embodiment techniques to support my clients in overcoming relationship anxiety. Please note this is not therapy, but it can be therapeutic. I cannot guarantee you “get rid of relationship anxiety” in one session, but I can share what I see, share practices that have transformed my life and relationship anxiety, and offer my heartfelt thoughts and suggestions, which you can decide what you want to do with.

If you would like to book a single session ($500), you can do so here. You can also buy a 4-pack of sessions ($1900) and space them out over 4 months.

Purchase/schedule a single session here

Purchase 4 sessions here (you will receive an email where you can schedule them after directly on my calendar)

A couple things to know before our session(s):

  • My credentials and experience are here if you would like to know my background.

  • Do not book a one-off session expecting your anxiety to go away. When people leave incredible testimonials, it’s after they’ve spent months working with me, where I’ve had time to build a foundation of a philosophy, to create room for perceptions and beliefs to break down (and the griefs associated with letting those go, one at a time, gently and sensitively). Don’t expect relief from relationship anxiety in the first session, or immense clarity/breakthroughs. It might even get worse before it gets better. I’m likely going to encourage you to do simple mindfulness practices in the first session that might infuriate a part of you that wants answers and certainty. I might not offer you satisfying answers to your questions, but encourage you to sit with the feelings inside the questions instead. My suggestion is if you want quick logical insights, submit a Wisio instead. But please know that deep, lasting peace takes time, and a “re-defining” of the concept of peace overall. There is light at the end of the tunnel (but there will be more tunnels after that… but, there are lights at the end of those, too), but you must be ok with the darkness first, without needing it to change. If you’re good with that, book a one-off session! Otherwise, I would suggest committing to a 4-pack of sessions where we can actually make some slower, gentle progress with less pressure on both of us.

  • If my period starts or I feel unwell within 2 days of our session, I will be reaching out to you to move our session. You can schedule/reschedule sessions on your own via the confirmation email you received after purchase, or you can email me at