Register for upcoming BFI series

If you are currently registered for Both Feet In, you can join the corresponding classes to help you solidify your practice. Below is the schedule for the remaining classes in 2024 as well as the links for registration.

Each particular series starts on the first of the month, and meets weekly at the same time for 2 hours, with the last week of the month off, for a total of 6 sessions. Max 50 registrants. You will be strongly encouraged to practice with your assigned “pod” once a week, as well, starting the second week. More info on that later.

Remaining series for 2024:

  • Consciousness Exercise Series (October 1 - November 12): Every Tuesday at 2pm CST, OFF October 29th

    • Consciousness Exercise corresponds to Module 3. It will teach you how to be with emotions and express them, expand your tolerance for big emotions like grief, rage, and joy, get better at communicating your inner experience with others, and access higher states of consciousness and oneness. By the second call, you need to have completed Module 3.

    • Cost: $317 USD. Register for Consciousness Exercise Series HERE.

  • Polarity Work Series (December 1 - January 12): Every Sunday at 2pm CST, OFF December 29th

    • Polarity Work corresponds to Module 4. It will teach you how to explore the tension between opposing aspects of yourself, as well as the tension between yourself and others. It is the practice of authentic relating, as well as feeling. It will help you “see” yourself and others better, release pent up emotions and say things you had left unsaid, and create resolution. By the second call, you need to have completed Module 4.

    • Cost: $317 USD. Register for Polarity Work Series HERE.

  • Change History Series: Dates to be determined in 2025

    • Change History corresponds to Module 5. It will teach you how to re-write and re-experience your past in a way that allows you to experience the present through a new lens. It can help you release old pain, and old beliefs running your life. By experiencing the past through a clear lens and not through the lens of lack and wounding, you can respond to the moment more accurately and pave the way for a better future. By the second call, you need to have completed Module 5.

    • Cost: $317 USD.

Each meeting will run about 2 hours. Since I will be putting people in breakout rooms, some parts may not be recorded. The questions and “tips” I share will, however, and you can watch the recordings uploaded to your unique series’ Facebook group.

You MUST be enrolled in BFI to do the series, but you don’t have to do the series if you are enrolled in BFI. It is just strongly recommended.

Below you can register for upcoming classes. A few days before the series, you will receive an email from Nat’s team giving you access to the Facebook group, where you can find uploaded calls should you want to watch/re-watch them. You will receive emails with Zoom links upon registration.

Register for Consciousness Exercise Series HERE.

Register for Polarity Work Series HERE.

Register for Change History Series HERE.