(Cut to the chase Nat… I’m ready! Get BFI Self Study Course for $197 HERE and register for the upcoming corresponding group classes HERE - Consciousness Exercise series starts October 1st)


This is not a sales page where I promise to solve your problem.

I won’t tell you that your relationship anxiety will *poof * disappear if you buy my course.

Or pretend I’ve figured out relationships and tell you that you’ll have certainty about your relationship by the end of this program.

In fact, I might actually tell you that it might get worse before it gets better, and that some aspects of this course may arouse disappointment and despair.

I'll even go as far as to say that though this program is called Both Feet In (which I titled mainly to get your attention, because I know you've got one foot out the door), there is a possibility you will still experience doubts from time to time after this program.

(Guess what? I still have doubts sometimes!)

Huh? What kind of offer is this?

Still with me? Great. Let me share what I can help you with... and why I think that what I have for you is better than what I think you think you're wanting (read that again if you need to!).

Here's the thing. Are you even taking risks in love if you don't ever feel afraid, and question everything sometimes?

Maybe getting rid of fear and anxiety isn't the goal, then. But I totally get why you'd want that — and I promise that NO, relationship anxiety does not have to rule your life (I’m saying that as someone for whom relationship anxiety DID rule her life for many years).

But maybe we're looking at relationship anxiety all wrong.

Maybe you experiencing doubts in your relationship isn't the issue (even though you think it is, because that's what you've been told)— which would mean finding certainty as to whether you're in the "right" relationship isn't the solution.

Which should hopefully be a massive relief— because it means you don't need to read another blog post, do another quiz, search "do I love him enough" another time on Reddit, watch another Youtube video, or listen to another podcast (yes, even mine), in order to get lasting relief.

You need TRUST.

Trust in your decisions, in your emotions, and in life itself.

I promise that you came to this planet trusting yourself already. Somewhere along the line, you learned that you made "poor decisions": maybe someone labeled you naive, or you trusted an "intuition" once that didn't pan out, or someone took a different life path than you did and looks way happier than you, leaving you questioning everything.

Hear me out, though... when you trust yourself, you can start making really weird decisions that other people might raise their eyebrows at (including staying with your very flawed human), and not flinch or feel the urge to explain yourself (or if you do, you curiously study it because you know you have the tools to turn that trigger into spiritual gold!).

I'm Natalie, and I've been with my partner Preston for 12 years. We met when I was 19, and didn't get married for 10 years, in part due to my wishy-washy-ness and having one foot out the door for 5 of them. We're happily married now and just moved abroad, bought a house, and are starting a family, but it was a difficult road, one that might have been "easier" in the eyes of others if I had chosen another person. But this was my path, and I don't regret it, and from where I’m standing… there's a lot I’d want past “staying me” to know.


Both Feet In is my signature program to help you reframe your doubts, feel the emotions and dislodge the beliefs that are currently clouding your perception of your relationship, re-polarize your connection (think: gender roles, but only the roles you want to play, in the way you want to play them), and discover the love that you are, so that you can feel actual fulfillment that spills over into your relationship and gives it the greatest chance of success.

And, ultimately, gain the courage, self-trust, and peace to make decisions about your relationship and life that you feel proud of today, and years down the line. This is my wish for you.

i recommend you also register for group classes for the two-person exercises taught in this program. If you are already enrolled in bfi and would like to sign up, register here.

The Structure:

Both Feet In, as a self-study course only, has 9 modules with foundational perspectives and techniques stemming from my meditation studies and Eastern philosophies, and a bonus library of mindfulness tools and workshops.

3 of these modules teach life-changing exercises (Consciousness Exercise, Polarity Work, and Change History, as taught to me by my teacher Stefi Preiss under her lineage of Christian Meyer and Eli Jaxon-Bear) that are strongly recommended to be done with a partner .

Not your romantic partner, but with a partner in the course. You're of course welcome to teach a friend these exercises to practice, but my worry for you is they won't be as invested as you are, so you might not get the same results. For this reason, I host supporting group class series regularly teaching these practices so you can study them and work toward mastery of the practices (and, by extension, your emotions — which is the key to getting to know yourself on a VERY deep level to the point of liberation from shame and anxiety).

So — you are more than welcome to enroll in BFI as a self-study program, but I sincerely recommend you also join the class series on each exercise when I host them. The upcoming class schedule is below.

BFI only includes:

  1. Nine modules

  2. A library of ever-growing meditation tools and masterclasses (currently has the Sex Anxiety Masterclass)

If you add the BFI series you also get:

  1. Six 2-hour sessions over 2 months, to practice the exercises from BFI, and then ask me questions/share your experience afterwards

  2. A "pod" of 5 assigned people in your similar time zone (we’ll do our best here) to practice exercises with outside of session, to solidify your practice (and make friends for life that will help you with your feelings!)

  3. Facebook group to share wins and view past recordings

Upcoming series schedule:

Each particular series starts on the first of the month, and meets weekly at the same time for 2 hours, with the last week of the month off, for a total of 6 sessions.

Remaining series for 2024:

Each meeting will run about 2 hours. Since I will be putting people in breakout rooms, some parts may not be recorded. The questions and “tips” I share will, however, and you can watch the recordings uploaded to your unique series’ Facebook group.

You MUST be enrolled in BFI to do the series, but you don’t have to do the series if you are enrolled in BFI. It is just strongly recommended.


    • October 1, 8, 15, and 22

    • November 5 and 12

    No session on the last Monday of the month


    • December 1, 8, 15, and 22

    • January 5 and 12

    No session on the last Monday of the month

  • Dates to be determined in 2025.

If you are already enrolled in bfi and would like to register for corresponding classes, register here.

Who is this program for?

As is, the self-study course is available to anyone.

However, the adjoining series are currently only available to women. My reason for this is that the exercises bring up a lot of vulnerabilities, and my experience shows me that women tend to open up (and feel safer with) other women. My audience and clientele are also mostly women. Until I get a significant demand for an exclusively mens' group, I don't feel confident hosting a series for men.

Please, know all these exercises can be done solo, it is just much easier and more enjoyable to do with a partner, particularly in the beginning. I have also included solo meditations and journal exercises to help you do variations of the practices on your own.

BFI is for anyone struggling with anxiety in relationship with a safe, loving partner, who might be a solid fit for a life partner.

My criteria for “might be a solid fit for a life partner”: think about what you want for your future (where to live, whether or not to have kids, whether you want to be provided for or do the providing, or split 50/50, SAHM or career mom/dad, raise/discipline kids with a particular philosophy/religion, views on saving/spending, monogamy or open, marriage or not? etc.).

If you don’t know, then… who knows! This program may or may not give you more clarity.

Does your partner want these things too, and actively moving towards those?

To put it metaphorically, if you guys are getting on a plane headed to the same destination without one of you thinking you're headed somewhere else, you're compatible to building a life with!

If you're in an abusive relationship, BFI might not be for you.

However, some people in toxic partnerships have become aware of, noticed their part in, and transformed their toxic dynamics through the exercises in BFI. So enroll at your own discretion. You will find this course is more about working with your inner world than about your relationship.

About me, Nat

Natalie Kennedy is the founder and CEO of Anxious Love Coach. She is a relationship anxiety coach drawing from personal experience in the trenches of her beautiful relationship,  as well as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and certified Meditation and Yoga Teacher. 

She has spent thousands of hours working directly with hundreds of clients experiencing intense doubts in their relationships and helped them cross the other side.

Natalie lives in South America with her beloved husband, Preston.

Payment options:

If you are already enrolled in bfi and would like to register for corresponding classes, register here.

What to expect:

When you enroll in the self-study course, you will immediately receive an email with access to the course.

If you register for any of the series, the zoom links will be sent to you upon registration, and you will be emailed a few days before to join the facebook group, where calls will be uploaded (they are optional, but suggested, to watch if you cannot attend). View info for the series HERE.


I’m speechless.

I want to really thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so grateful for you creating this program and teaching us how to finally get to know ourselves and our emotions. I never knew how to deal with any of them, which was also the reason I was super scared of big emotions. I shut down, having anxiety attacks and not knowing what to do with all of this. I felt completely helpless and left alone.

After only a few months of working with you this completely shifted. I can now confidently say that I am no longer scared of anything inside of me. I not only learned to identify different emotions but can also see them and accept them in their full capacity. I meet any sensation or emotion with pure curiosity and love.

Consciousness Exercise is now my best friend. I cannot go a week without feeling into my Body and recognizing my emotions. Not only am I no longer scared of what’s inside of me, I genuinely crave feeling everything. I now recognize the tightness in my chest, the unwell feeling in my belly and the heaviness on my shoulders. They aren’t enemies anymore, they are here to guide me deeper.

Polarity Work opened my eyes for all the perspectives there are. I am now able to see my own wholeness in all my unique, strange, sad, happy, scared, excited, loving parts. They are here to be seen and to be heard and, ultimately, loved. I now know that I cannot deal with everything in my head, especially when all my parts are simultaneously screaming at each other. Sometimes we have to take the parties out of our body to really truly see the full picture. To talk and cry everything out and come to a conclusion. Or not. Both are fine, nothing is right.

Changing History Exercise really did change my life. Or still is. To really feel into our Patterns and find out where they’re coming from, means freedom now, in the present moment. It means to truly, fully understand the current Self. I never got to know anything as powerful as changing the present by imagining a better past. It is simply incredible.

All of this paired with your wisdom and expertise on human relationships, the human experience and your sweet soul is more than a blessing. I am still in awe, when I think about the acceptance and feeling of being seen, you gave to each and every one of us. I truly find it an unbelievable blessing to have found you and have been able to work with you this deeply.

Originally I entered this Course with the Intention to learn more about healthy romantic relationships. I am now coming out with a completely new relationship with myself and feeling more secure in myself than ever. I got tools I can, and most definitely will, work with and a new level of consciousness accompanying me for the rest of my life. Words cannot describe the level of gratitude I’m feeling.

Both Feet In is the “101 how to life” guide everyone should be taught.
— Elena Jung, past BFI member

Natalie challenged me in a ways I never even knew possible. Through her 1:1 coaching I was able to get out of my head and into my body. I learned to combat false beliefs I learned as a child, made peace with my inner childhood wounds, worked through internal polarities and grew my awareness leaps and bounds. Her tools did more for me in 4 months than 10 years of therapy. I wish everyone could do this intensive work with her - I will forever be grateful for this process and will continue to practice what she has taught me.

Thank you from bottom of my heart for the work you are doing. My heart is so full and I know the work we completed will continue to impact my life (and my soon to be family of 3) in a positive way. I can already see massive changes in the way I communicate and process my external world.
— Kate
Before joining BFI, I was at a fork in the road. I fell out of love, had the choice to follow my dreams and end my 6-year relationship or stay and do the work. I believed I needed to do life on my own and couldn’t grow within the relationship. My entire body was out the door, ready to go.

But something told me to join BFI because my higher self wasn’t going to give up that easily even though my mind had all the reasons to leave. Now, after completing BFI, my inner world and relationship with my partner have COMPLETELY shifted. I never imagined our relationship could be the way it is today. It moved from resentment and fear to love, respect, and gratitude because I made the choice to stay from an empowered, grounded place.

I’ve embraced my feminine energy (something I struggled with for years) by trusting and surrendering to this ecstatic journey known as life.

My anxious, fearful parts have taken a different shape, and I’m no longer consumed by it. Of course, there are days when I feel anxious, but this program taught me how to create space for my anxiety as well as deep love. I’m my own inner mother for my younger parts and it’s oh so beautiful to be in this space.

So much gratitude for Nat and her team!
— Angie
I discovered the BFI-A course via Natalie’s social media, which was the first place I’d ever seen my feelings of relationship anxiety “labeled.” I didn’t know anyone with relationship anxiety, let alone that this was a real thing. I already felt so validated, but was still skeptical that I could heal. (It was always, “everyone else will figure it out, but not sure I’m capable!”).

Joining BFI-A gave me a tremendous amount of comfort meeting others walking a similar journey. Also, knowing Natalie had experience with RA in her own partnership was another important key to me trusting the process.

The camaraderie amongst the group was really special. I came into the group while in a 7-year relationship with my boyfriend. I’d been questioning it on and off the entire time, and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t move forward with marriage given the loving, trusting, secure partnership we had. We never even had that “honeymoon” phase, and constantly comparing my relationship to others made me feel so flawed. Friends and family always shared how much they loved him and couldn’t understand why I was hesitating. I knew in my heart I couldn’t move forward either way until I figured out some things about myself. I assumed I was settling with him but also could not figure out WHY I also couldn’t break up with him. I’d broken up with multiple boyfriends before. It haunted me and became all consuming. I analyzed every interaction and every moment we had together, trying to gather information so I could make “the right decision.”

I assumed this course would give me that “green light” to walk away. To realize that even though I’d invested 7 years, this wasn’t it. I was thrown for a loop and it did quite the opposite. I learned more about myself (along with the help of personal therapy), how to meditate for the first time in my life, and that I had a repeated pattern of projecting my own stress and sadness onto him and our relationship.

A couple of months after the course ended, I let my partner know that I was ready to move forward and we are now engaged! We’re so excited for this next journey of our lives together and I feel incredibly lucky to have him as my partner. Knowing he was here all along now brings me pride instead of embarrassment.

P. S. My BFI-A BFF got engaged around the same time and we’re planning to meet up to celebrate!
— Tarah H.


Q: What techniques do you use in this program?

A: I pull from a mix of what’s worked in my personal experience as well as from my coaching, mindfulness, and embodiment training backgrounds. 

BFI uses a combination of shadow work, inner child work, mindfulness and somatic processing techniques as taught under the lineage of Stefi Preiss, Christian Meyer and Eli Jaxon-Bear. I draw from Nonviolent Communication education by Marshall Rosenburg, polarity concepts inspired by David Deida, John Wineland, and Madelyn Moon, and the Change Triangle by Hilary Jacobs Hendel. Other teachers I’ve been inspired by: Teal Swan, Eckhart Tolle, Sheryl Paul, Chelsea Horton, Peter Levine, and Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk.

Q: do i need to be in a relationship to be in this program?

A: The work is, first and foremost, for you. A lot of this work is owning your shadow and therefore shifting how YOU show up, and evoking changes in your partner without their conscious knowing. If you are single, this work will help you clear out gunk and prepare you for your next relationship. It will also give you tools that will help you make decisions in dating. I believe everyone needs to know this information — in relationship or not.

Q: i can’t attend all the sessions. will i miss out?

A: Try to attend as many as you can. It’s not a problem to miss a bunch of sessions, but it’s not ideal, either. Thanks to the lengthy nature of this program, there will be a lot of repetition to allow for digestion of these concepts. Try to attend at least half the sessions you have registered for live, as the energy in the moment is so exquisite and you’ll be able to work with others for many of them. If not, watch the recordings during your week off (the last week of the month).

Q: can men join this program?

A: Men can join the self-study course. As of current, sadly, I don’t have enough demand to support running a class series for men. If you are a man that wants this, please email me at natalie@anxiouslovecoach so I know the extent of the demand for this type of program. My suggestion is to utilize the guided meditations and solo versions of the partnered practices, and maybe find someone that will do the course with you and can be your practice partner.

Q: Is this program refundable?

A: No.

Q: How many people will be in the series?

A: Maximum 50.

Q: How do i know this program is for me?

A: I can’t guarantee that the program is or isn’t for you. If the message on this page resonates with you, please know the course/program is more of the same.

Q: How do i know for sure i actually have relationship anxiety, or if i just need to leave?

A: This sounds a lot like a question relationship anxiety would ask ;-) This isn’t a cut-and-dry answer. If you’ve got a partner that’s devoted to you, ready to commit and build a life with you, and can teach you about love, I believe it’s a partnership worth exploring as these patterns of fears of intimacy will show up no matter where you go. That said, I will point you to another question: what if you couldn’t do this wrong? What if this work still would apply to you no matter what you decide?

Q: I’m scared to do this work and find out i actually need to leave.

A: This is the number one fear people have — even above making an investment that’s a bust. I’ll also tell you I have never seen this happen. That’s because there is no terrible side of you with some terrible truth or verdict. Just very activated parts of you acting out to get your attention. When you haven’t experienced a level of detachment from your thoughts before and accessed the realm of Self, every thought feels supremely true and you’re unable to trust otherwise. This work isn’t about forcing anything or discovering some terrible truth. I know it’s probably hard to believe, because the thoughts are so scary and convincing. But the healing work is actually so profound and beautiful, and it can even be fun! No matter what happens, you will be ok and ease is possible regardless of your external circumstances.

Q: I was in the old both feet in!

A: You get access to the newer self-study course for free. The old BFI is now off the market. BFI-Abridged is now called Both Feet In. :)

Q: can i join this program after it has already started?

A: The self study course is always open. Registration for the series however, will close on the start date.

Q: i can’t attend all the sessions. will i miss out?

A: Try to attend as many as you can. It’s not a problem to miss a bunch of sessions, but it’s not ideal, either. Thanks to the lengthy nature of this program, there will be a lot of repetition to allow for digestion of these concepts. Try to attend at least half the sessions live, as the energy in the moment is so exquisite and you’ll be able to work with others for many of them. If not, watch the recordings during your week off (the last week of the month).

Also view calendar and register for corresponding BFI classes HERE

My wishes for you, in this course:

  1. Meet your old, stagnant, sticky emotions making it difficult to see your partnership clearly (making it understandably difficult to trust your perceptions and therefore make decisions for the long-term), and transform them into reverence, clarity, and peace

  2. Go from dreading anxiety and doubt, to tenderly listening to it with curiosity and reverence, to transforming it to creativity and boundless love

  3. Learn tools to turn yourself on, especially if you've been going through a dry spell

  4. Love parts of yourself that you have previously shamed and tried to convince yourself are "not you"

  5. Change your relationship to the past, see the present differently, and lay out more positive possibilities for the future

  6. Be totally unfazed and unbothered about polarizing relationship advice, and enjoy rom-coms again without spiraling

  7. Tap into deeper levels of consciousness through the mirror that is partnership, and start to see your relationship or marriage as your spiritual initiation

Again, no guarantees for certainty, and no banishing of doubt. But I hope that after this course, you won't need to be certain of your relationship. You'll trust you can handle whatever life handles at you, because you can handle the biggest hurdle of all: your own damn self. Which is the main person you really are dealing with.

You are The One you have been looking for.

With love, 
