Many women today assume that because men and women are equal, that they would be the same — and therefore, that speaking to men the way women typically speak to other women ought to work very harmoniously.

Except it doesn’t.

And in doing so, you rob the men in your life the opportunity to reveal to you their most exquisite, different programming and ways of thinking, speaking and behaving— that could actually make your life a million times easier if you took a little time to understand them.

In the same way it wouldn’t demean you to learn how to ask “where’s the bathroom?” in the native language of a foreign country you are visiting, learning to speak to men in ways they can understand so they can love you better isn’t going to cause you to regress back to the 1950’s.

This 3-hour recording is broken up into two parts and it tackles the following points:

  • common mistakes women in long-term relationships make when they speak to men that cause shut-downs, defensiveness, or anger

  • how to get men to naturally want to step up, lead, and be more ambitious, without you having to do any convincing, manipulating, or criticizing (aren’t you tired of doing that, anyway?)

  • the differences between the male and female brain

  • what speaks to a man’s soul and makes his life worth living (and you worth absolutely cherishing)

Note: to protect the privacy of the students who participated in the live class, the Q&A version is not included as a part of the replay.

Your investment: $39

