Podcast Ep 4: The “Trust Your Gut” Debunk with Chelsea Joy Horton


When you're experiencing relationship anxiety, hearing "trust your gut" or "listen to your intuition" can be one of the most triggering things you can hear. Is your intuition telling you to leave, or is it ROCD? Tune in with Chelsea Joy Horton, OCD specialist with her masters in dance movement therapy and counseling. Together we share the more accurate measurements of determining how to trust your decision about your partner.

Who we are:

Natalie Kennedy @Anxiouslovecoach

Chelsea Joy Horton @Healing.embodied

Time Stamps:

  • 06:00 - Chelsea’s experience with ROCD (Relationship OCD)

  • 09:15 - How Chelsea used movement therapy to help with her anxiety

  • 11:30 - Why “trust your gut” can be terrible advice for those who have relationship anxiety

  • 15:26 - In what situations can “trusting your gut” be helpful?

  • 18:00 - How does the OCD mind create catastrophic evidence for your relationship?

  • 22:08 - What is “faulty neuroception” and how does it create dangerous images out of safe partners?

  • 24:18 - How does your mind wire you to accept toxic behavior as normal?

  • 31:36 - Can you heal your anxiety while you’re in your relationship?

  • 38:00 - Is it ok to have a partner that farts too much?

  • 45:00 - What makes a long term partnership so special? (Advice from my aunt)

  • 48:15 - How does daily gratitude create better relationship dynamics?

  • 50:12 - How appreciation of yourself will extend to your partner

  • 54:00 - Does your partner also need to do inner work to preserve your relationship?

  • 55:55 - My partner is not ambitious enough! What do I do?